Frequently asked questions about Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Isn’t Pelvic Health PT (PHPT) just for women?

Nope. Pelvic Health PT is for all bodies! People with penises have pelvic floors too, and can experience symptoms like leakage after prostatectomy, difficulty with erection, or pain in the pelvis, penis, or testicles. Children also have pelvic floor issues, such as bedwetting, withholding, and constipation. See our favorite pediatric PHPT for support: Peace Physical Therapy.

I had a child 20 years ago, and have had trouble since. Is it too late for to help?

Definitely not! One beautiful thing about the body, is that it is always changing. Physical Therapy can help you mobilize, strengthen, and recover at any stage. In fact, we consider “postnatal” as “having ever had a baby”… not just recently. Many women are able to stop dashing to the toilet, leaking with sneezes, and needing fewer (or no) pads decades after delivery.

I just had a baby, and am feeling pretty good! Should I still see a Pelvic Health PT?

Yep! Impairments and symptoms can “fly under the radar” for years. Even if you feel great, having a check-up for your Pelvic Health is a great idea. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!” This is especially important before beginning impact activities, such as running and weight training. Learning how to care for your “new” pelvic floor can prevent many issues down the road.

Wouldn’t my doctor have told me if I needed Pelvic Health PT?

Many doctors are not yet aware of what PHPT services provide and the growing research that supports its benefits! PHPTs are trained experts in assessing the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is not the case in most medical training. Many people finally come to PHPT after a rollercoaster of endless appointments, imaging, and medications.

Do I need a referral from my doctor?

A referral is not needed, so you can call and schedule your care as soon as you’d like. We prefer to keep your healthcare team in the loop, so may ask for your permission to send notes/updates and coordinate care if needed.

Do you accept insurance?

All services at Triad Pelvic Health PT are covered under your out-of-network benefits. This means that payment is due at time of service and you will receive a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Payment options include HSA, debit, cash, or check.

I’m not sure I can afford private Pelvic Health PT services. Is this right for me?

Let’s talk! Getting expert care is important. We can create a treatment and payment schedule that suit your needs.

I’m going to have surgery for my condition. Do I still need Pelvic Health PT?

Thankfully, we live in a place and time where many treatment options are available! And sometimes, surgery is indeed a good option. Many times, people find that pre- and/or post-surgical PT can help your body get the best surgical outcome. This is especially the case for prolapse repair, prostatectomy, and hysterectomy.

I have pain with sex, and have been told to “just relax,” or that it’s in my head. Can PT help?

Absolutely! While maybe well-intended, both of those responses are not helpful. What is helpful? Determining the cause of the pain, and treating it! Sometimes the pain comes from tight muscles, nerve irritation, or joint pain. Your detective PT will focus in on the cause, and get you on the path of enjoying your intimate time again.

I have tried kegels, and they haven’t helped. Why would Pelvic Health PT work?

PHPT is so much more than kegels! These pelvic floor strengthening exercises may be a part of your treatment plan, and a great thing to try at home! But many people actually need pelvic floor relaxation, or stretching, rather than strengthening. This is especially the case with pelvic pain. Furthermore, the pelvic floor is only one part of the systems in your body that keep you dry and continent. We also work on restoring your “core” muscles, coordination, and pressure management to resolve leakage. We also need to examine your bladder health, voiding schedule, and other considerations.

What is a pelvic health evaluation or treatment session like? And can I bring someone with me?

See our “What to Expect” page. You are always welcome to bring a partner or other support person. We can also provide a staff chaperone if you would prefer. Please let us know if that is the case, and we are happy to accommodate.

What is the pelvic floor exam like?

This is similar to an OBGYN visit, but without speculum or stirrups. We will check externally (at the vulva), as well as internally to assess the pelvic floor muscles for strength, tension, and scar tissue. Your PT will ask you to perform certain tasks, like squeezing, releasing, and breathing, and this is when treatment begins. Depending on your symptoms and anatomy, your therapist may suggest a rectal assessment for optimal treatment.

What types of tools or treatments are used?

Your PT is trained in a variety of techniques, and will base your treatments on what we uncover in your exam. Treatments may include manual therapy, scar massage, biofeedback, breath work, exercises, nerve glides, stretches, or dry needling. You might be asked to complete bladder or symptom journals, do some reading, mindfulness practices, or work with assistive tools (dilator or wand). Here is a more detailed list of treatment modalities for those who are really into it :)

How many visits will I need to reach my goals?

In general, if the symptoms you are experiencing are rather simple and have only begun in the past few months or year, you may find that your goals are met after 3-8 visits. This is especially true if you are able to do the “homework” between visits. Usually, patients begin to notice significant improvement after just 2-3 visits.

Sometimes, patients deal with uncomfortable symptoms for many years before finding a pelvic health PT. If the symptoms you experience are more complicated, involving chronic pain, heavy medication needs, etc. treatment may require more visits, such as 8-12. But know that there is hope, and your PT is a trained detective to help you sort out the multi-faceted roots of your symptoms, and get you on the path to healing!

What if I don’t want to come back after 1 visit. Will you be offended?

Definitely not! What is most important is that you get the care you need. I am happy to give you a list of other provers that may be a better fit.